Drop us an email or a WhatsApp and make an appointment for an initial consultation.
This is free of charge and has no obligation. You can talk us though your home, what areas are bothering you and why. We can see how we can work together and discuss a plan of action and book a date for our first session.
In our first in person session, we can establish the best place to start, We can advise on where we can find some quick wins and get the ball rolling.
We can also give you an idea of how long your decluttering project or journey may take.
The first session should be between 3-5 hours to be able to make a good impact.
We can then make regular dates and time for ongoing sessions which work within your schedule. We can even set you homework tasks to do between sessions if that helps keeps the momentum.
We understand that it is often a big step to be invited into your home. It can be an intimate process as well as an emotional one but we try and make it as enjoyable as possible and usually have a good laugh in the process.
All sessions are private and confidential.
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